September 2021 Quarterly Compliance Report
Clause B102 of the National Health Reform Agreement requires the Administrator to publish details of Commonwealth, State and Territory compliance with the data requirements specified in the Administrator's Data Plan.

The National Health Funding Body Annual Report 2020-21
Our Annual Report highlights our key achievements in 2020-21. We have measured our results against a range of performance criteria outlined in the Portfolio Budget Statements, our Strategic Direction and our Corporate Plan. We introduce our leadership team, provide details on how we support our workforce and explain our approach to governance. We also detail our financial performance, including our audited financial statements.

The National Health Funding Pool Annual Report 2020-21
This Annual Report provides an overview of the role and work of the Administrator during 2020-21 and provides both the combined and individual State and Territory Pool Accounts for 2020-21.
This report should be read in conjunction with the National Health Funding Body Annual Report 2020-21.

Data Compliance Policy 2022-23
This document is the Administrator's policy for publishing details of Commonwealth, State and Territory compliance with the data requirements of the Administrator's Three Year Data Plan.
Strategic direction 2023-27
The Strategic direction 2023-2027 highlights our five key objectives, our values and our behaviours as we strive to achieve our vision of improving transparency of public hospital funding in Australia

Risk Tolerance Statement
Our risk tolerance levels across our five key objectives are highlighted below. Tolerance levels are based on the supporting business function, together with the potential cost and/or the benefit of engaging with risk to improve our decision-making ability.
- Calculations
- Payments
- Reporting
- Stakeholders
- Organisation

The National Health Funding Body Corporate Plan 2021-25
The NHFB Corporate Plan 2021-22 sets our direction for the next four years and covers the strategy we will use to fulfil our purpose and drive our success in improving the transparency of public hospital funding in Australia.

Audit and Risk Committee Charter
The National Health Funding Body (NHFB) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has established the Audit and Risk Committee (the Committee) in compliance with section 45 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and section 17 of the PGPA Rule - Audit Committee for Commonwealth entities (the Rule).

June 2021 Quarterly Compliance Report
Clause B102 of the National Health Reform Agreement requires the Administrator to publish details of Commonwealth, State and Territory compliance with the data requirements specified in the Administrator's Data Plan.

March 2021 Quarterly Compliance Report
Clause B102 of the National Health Reform Agreement requires the Administrator to publish details of Commonwealth, State and Territory compliance with the data requirements specified in the Administrator's Data Plan.