National Health Reform Agreement

About the Agreement

The role of the Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool (the Administrator) and the National Health Funding Body (NHFB) in Australia’s health system was the result of significant public hospital funding reforms agreed by the Commonwealth and all States and Territories in August 2011, forming the National Health Reform Agreement (NHR Agreement).

The NHR Agreement outlines the shared responsibility of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments to work in partnership to improve health outcomes for all Australians and ensure the sustainability of the health system. 

On 29 May 2020, the Commonwealth, States and Territories entered into a new agreement through the Addendum to the National Health Reform Agreement 2020–21 to 2024–25 (see page 10). The new Addendum maintains a commitment to ensuring equitable access to public hospitals for all Australians, and reaffirms the role of the Administrator and the NHFB. 

As part of the Addendum, the signatories agreed that an external review of the NHR Agreement would be completed by December 2023. An independent review team was publicly announced on 24 February 2023 and has been tasked to examine whether:

  • the stated objectives of the Addendum – improving health outcomes, access and innovation – are being met; and in particular,
  • the Addendum’s health funding, planning and governance architecture is fit‑for‑purpose, given emerging priorities for better integrated care and more seamless interfaces between health and primary care, mental health, aged care and disability systems.  The Review will also consider potential options for future reforms and agreements.


Overview of health care agreements

For further details, please see below:

Future Addendum to the NHR Agreement

As part of the NHR Agreement, signatories agreed that an external review of the Agreement would be completed by December 2023. Subsequently, an independent review team was tasked to examine whether the stated objectives of the Addendum – improving health outcomes, access and innovation – are being met; and in particular, whether the Addendum’s health funding, planning and governance architecture is fit-for purpose.

Following the Review, negotiations commenced on a new Addendum (2025-2030). On 6 December 2023, National Cabinet endorsed:

  1. Increasing NHRA contributions to 45% over a maximum of a 10-year glide path from 1 July 2025, with an achievement of 42.5% before 2030
  2. The current 6.5% national funding cap being replaced by a more generous approach that applies a cumulative cap over the period 2025‑2030 and includes a first year ‘catch-up’ growth premium
  3. Commencing the renegotiation of the NHRA Addendum to embed long-term, system‑wide structural health reforms, including considering the NHRA Mid-Term Review findings.

It is anticipated that outcomes of the negotiations on a new Addendum will be finalised in 2024.

Legislative basis for functions

The Administrator and the NHFB are governed by the National Health Reform (NHR) Act 2011, State and Territory legislation, the NHR Agreement and the Addendum to the NHR Agreement (the Addendum).

The functions of the Administrator and the NHFB were established under the NHR Act. In line with the NHR Agreement, this legislation is supported by common statute provisions in each State and Territory. These provisions create the Administrator’s role and sets out its functions.